Thursday Dec 07, 2023
Open Borders And Strategic Moves By Adversaries
Thursday Dec 07, 2023
Thursday Dec 07, 2023
We examine the consequences of open borders. How does this cause a rise in crime? What else does it cause? Are the border guards reduced to babysitting? What other important criminal activity is being overlooked that is a national security issue? Also, what are the signs that China is on the move to make strategic plays in the world. Why has article 99 been invoked by the UN? Why was it not invoked during the Russia and Ukraine conflict? Why now? And, all state vehicles are to be electric by 2044. Is it meant to work? We ask the questions.
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Wednesday Dec 06, 2023
Poverty In The Name Of Climate Change
Wednesday Dec 06, 2023
Wednesday Dec 06, 2023
We examine the outrageous statements being made at COP28 in Dubai at the International Climate Summit. What is being said? What are the intentions behind it? Is it meant to save the earth from you? What will you do in order to do your part to save the world? Also, we take a look at insect protein. What is the main driver behind this? Are you already consuming this without your knowledge? Who is doing that? What companies are involved? Who benefits? And, what is the sinister agenda behind debanking and deplatforming? We ask the questions.
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Tuesday Dec 05, 2023
Tech Tuesday - Solar Storms, Amazon Glasses, and PDF Scanners
Tuesday Dec 05, 2023
Tuesday Dec 05, 2023
On this tech Tuesday we talk the coming solar maximum in the year to come. How will this affect you? What will be disrupted? How can you protect yourself against it? Also, we talk the new Amazon glasses. Are they the latest and greatest? Or are they just another Bluetooth headset? And, what can you do to create the perfect PDF document for all of your digital needs? We ask the questions.
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Monday Dec 04, 2023
Exclusive Roundtable - Henry Kissinger And His Legacy
Monday Dec 04, 2023
Monday Dec 04, 2023
We discuss the political life and legacy of Dr. Kissinger. Where did it all begin? What has he influenced? How many presidents has he served under? Also, what has his role been in international relations? How has he helped the far East in their strategic objectives, and how has he compromised the West? What are the long term consequences of such policies? And, what are the failed policies of the last 4 years that we are seeing as a devastating effect on social cohesion? We ask the questions.
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Friday Dec 01, 2023
International Bodies Move Against The West
Friday Dec 01, 2023
Friday Dec 01, 2023
We discuss the impacts of international organizations moving against western nations. What is the motive behind this? Is it population reduction? Is it to weaken the west a whole in order to collapse us? Also, who is behind the new plan that will be presented at COP28 in Dubai? What does that plan call for? Does the director of the UN program have other ties to different transnational criminal organizations? And, advertisers that blackmail. What is the best thing for them to do? We ask the questions.
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Thursday Nov 30, 2023
Bidenomics And Your Cost Of Living
Thursday Nov 30, 2023
Thursday Nov 30, 2023
We examine the impact that the current administration has on the cost of living. Is the US the only place affected? What types of increases have people seen? What will they continue to see? Will the rise of interest rates play a part in the future? Also, we talk the upcoming rolling blackouts across the southern US. Will green energy be able to pick up the extra slack? Or is green energy to blame for the blackouts? How will you charge your electric car? And, Hamas keeps violating cease fire agreements. How do you deal with it? We ask the questions.
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Wednesday Nov 29, 2023
The ARC - Another WEF?
Wednesday Nov 29, 2023
Wednesday Nov 29, 2023
We take a look at the ARC. What is it? Who is involved? What kind of ideas are being promoted? Also, where does this funding come from? How can an organization such as this be spontaneous and just show up out of no where? Is the timing of it all too convenient? And, is it the opposition that people are looking for? Is it another World Economic Forum? We ask the questions.
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Tuesday Nov 28, 2023
Tuesday Nov 28, 2023
On this tech Tuesday we talk the upcoming breakthroughs using technology from animals to help the bind to see. Can this work? How will it work? Also, we take a look at what a 6 hour space flight will cost. What will the spa and lounge experience look like? Would you pay for such a trip? And, what is the true cost of an electric vehicle? Where is the extra money coming from? What happens when the credits come to an end? We ask the questions.
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Monday Nov 27, 2023
Exclusive Roundtable - Genetically Modified Agriculture
Monday Nov 27, 2023
Monday Nov 27, 2023
On this exclusive roundtable we talk the future of agriculture, or what is said to be? Who is involved in what ventures? How much money is documented to be pushed by that cause? What is the main purpose for it? Do we even need it? Also, we talk the attitudes of coercion. What needs to be pushed back on? What agreements were made that are now being made public? And, are you a patient, or are you a customer? We ask the questions.
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Friday Nov 24, 2023
War By Proxy - The Next Escalation
Friday Nov 24, 2023
Friday Nov 24, 2023
We examine the next escalation tactics by proxy groups across the globe. What steps are being taken by groups in the US? What will this be a pretext for in terms of taking on your free speech online? Was the incident in New York State credible? What was known before and after? Also, we talk the Israel and Gaza conflict. Was the command and control center at the hospital an actual incident? Or was it fabricated? What does the mainstream want you to believe? And, what will it take for nations and special private companies to protect their own interests? We ask the questions.
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Thursday Nov 23, 2023
Drafting For World War 3 - Hiding The Guilt (Thanksgiving Special Rebroadcast)
Thursday Nov 23, 2023
Thursday Nov 23, 2023
We discuss the escalation in the middle east conflict. What voices if any are the ones of reason? What can we see taking place to move strategic pieces in place? Has Yemen declared war on Israel? What could this mean for other players in the region? Also, China seems to remaking world geography. What has changed in their eyes? What could this mean? What is the situation financially in China, and Russia? Where are big financial networks to report on the markets in the East? And, when a draft for World War 3 starts, who will go? For what purpose? We ask the questions.
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Wednesday Nov 22, 2023
The Useful Idiots Of Insanity
Wednesday Nov 22, 2023
Wednesday Nov 22, 2023
We examine the entry levels of stupidity that are guiding society today. What agendas do we see before us that we know are more nefarious behind the scenes? What is the purpose? Also, have we crossed into the realm of insanity? What universal truths are being ignored? What do we do in order to restore them? Can they even be restored? And, will this come down to property rights when people will not fight for anything else? We ask the questions.
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Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
Tech Tuesday - TikTok News, and UFO’s
Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
On this tech Tuesday, we take a look at the new Amazon smart home. What are the features that are being offered? Why is this a good thing? Why is this a bad thing? Also, we take a look at where most people are getting their news now. Who is responsible for this? How can this be considered being informed? How does this influence peoples thought process? And, do you believe in the paranormal? We ask the questions.
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Monday Nov 20, 2023
Exclusive Roundtable - Origins Of The Council State
Monday Nov 20, 2023
Monday Nov 20, 2023
We discuss the original concepts of what we know as the modern day European Union. Where did it all begin? Who was involved? Why was it created? What benefits does it serve? Also, we take a look at the role of Tony Blair in his foundation works across the world. What is he now pushing as a way to force agendas in the future? Where is all of this being tested? Why is it being done? And, why do we even need it? We ask the questions.
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Friday Nov 17, 2023
Same Old Faces - Same Old Agendas
Friday Nov 17, 2023
Friday Nov 17, 2023
We discuss the new appointed positions in the UK government. Who are the faces that they have picked to carry out the new or are they old agendas? What policies and services will this have consequences for in the future? Also, we talk the middle east conflict between Israel and Gaza. What is the ceasefire proposal all about? Do the people even understand what is going on? What do they stand for? And, why do we still have to look at Greta? We ask the questions.
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Thursday Nov 16, 2023
Chinafornia - Xi Visits America
Thursday Nov 16, 2023
Thursday Nov 16, 2023
We discuss the president of China visiting the US. Where is he visiting and why? Does the US have plans that they would care to share with the citizens on what the purpose of the visit is? How will he be received? Will you get social credit points for attending? Also, who does the cocaine in the West Wing of the White House belong to? Is there DNA evidence to support the investigation? What does the FOIA request show? And, what do we need to fix in our voting system in order to restore integrity? We ask the questions.
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Wednesday Nov 15, 2023
November - A Time For Reflection
Wednesday Nov 15, 2023
Wednesday Nov 15, 2023
We discuss the month of November and what that means to some. Where are we as a society? What have we lost? Why has it been forgotten? Also, what is most important that we no longer pay attention to? Has consumerism blinded us to the true meaning of things? How do we regain what we have lost? Does it all come back to us? And, what can you do this November to reset things for your own family, friends, and community? We ask the questions.
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Tuesday Nov 14, 2023
Tech Tuesday - Self Driving Cars, and Digital Wellbeing
Tuesday Nov 14, 2023
Tuesday Nov 14, 2023
On this tech Tuesday, we talk self driving electric cars. Are they beneficial? What can happen if they cause an accident? Should we even have them in the world to begin with? Also, we examine your digital wellbeing. How much screen and app time do you get? Why is that important? Why do we need apps to tell us this? Why do we not exercise self control? And, how much hard drive space do you need to accommodate your spare time? We ask the questions.
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Monday Nov 13, 2023
Exclusive Roundtable - Your National Sovereignty
Monday Nov 13, 2023
Monday Nov 13, 2023
We discuss our respective national sovereignties, and how we keep it in tact. How do we stop unelected international bodies from taking our rights away? How do people take part in stopping this type of over reach? What can you do as the individual? Also, are the political class concerned about the day of remembrance? Is it a political show? What about the agendas that are being pushed? Do they believe in them? And, how do the foundations launder money? We ask the questions.
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Friday Nov 10, 2023
Free Speech Regulation - How It Affects you
Friday Nov 10, 2023
Friday Nov 10, 2023
We discuss the new edict handed down from the United Nations that will target free speech and reclassify it into something different. How will this be used to target certain groups or ideas in the current and coming days? Does it "protect" speech, or does it limit it? Also we talk the escalation in the middle East. What sort of retaliation has taken place, and what more can be expected? And, what is defined as success? We ask the questions.
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Thursday Nov 09, 2023
Geostrategic Games - The Coming Power Plays
Thursday Nov 09, 2023
Thursday Nov 09, 2023
We discuss the current strategic plays that are being made by China and Russia. What events are happening here that we should be taking notice of? What are the longer term implications of such events? Also, we talk the continued conflict in the middle east. Why are we still ignoring the attacks of October 7th. What actually happened that day? Where are the voices of reason for any kind of de-escalation? And, what is Senate bill 686 and how does it affect national security? We ask the questions.
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Wednesday Nov 08, 2023
Rebuilding Our Future - Becoming The Architects
Wednesday Nov 08, 2023
Wednesday Nov 08, 2023
We discuss the aspects of what it might mean to rebuild our civilization. What needs to be done for us to take the first steps? When does realization become a factor for people? How do we become the minority that is needed to be the architects of the future? Are we already in place to be able to take that step? Also, we talk propaganda outlets. How do you know what you are seeing is actually correct information? And, as the talks to World War 3 become more common, what does a "smaller" bomb actually mean? We ask the questions.
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Tuesday Nov 07, 2023
Tech Tuesday - Early Black Friday, and Smartphone Throttling
Tuesday Nov 07, 2023
Tuesday Nov 07, 2023
On this Tech Tuesday we talk the early black Friday deals that you can now take advantage of. What if anything will you be picking up this year? How much of this is for your convenience? Are there some really good deals that you can get? Also, we talk the problems behind smartphone throttling. Is it a real thing? Why do companies deny it? What is the reason for such things? Why are you forced to buy a new device? Is it really losing as much as they tell you? How can we prove that it is not? We ask the questions.
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Monday Nov 06, 2023
Exclusive Roundtable - Global Accountability And Division
Monday Nov 06, 2023
Monday Nov 06, 2023
On this very special exclusive roundtable, we discuss what it will mean to have global accountability for the decisions that have been made. What should be done to hold people to account? Will it even happen? Also, we talk the middle east conflict. How is being used to divide the world? Should we send a world coalition into the middle east to solve the problem? How does this affect our borders and the political process within the west? And, what can the implications for expansion be? Could it have catastrophic consequences? We ask the questions.
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Friday Nov 03, 2023
De-escalation In The Middle East Will Not Happen
Friday Nov 03, 2023
Friday Nov 03, 2023
We discuss the further escalation in the middle east conflict. Where is the talk of slowing things down and finding a solution? Why are cooler heads not prevailing? Also, do certain philanthropists hate humanity? Is it out of sense of guilt? Why do the buy offs and infiltration happen at the local as opposed to the national levels? What is the biggest value for money? And, what stocks are headed to zero, and why? We ask the questions.
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Thursday Nov 02, 2023
Drafting For World War 3 - Hiding The Guilt
Thursday Nov 02, 2023
Thursday Nov 02, 2023
We discuss the escalation in the middle east conflict. What voices if any are the ones of reason? What can we see taking place to move strategic pieces in place? Has Yemen declared war on Israel? What could this mean for other players in the region? Also, China seems to remaking world geography. What has changed in their eyes? What could this mean? What is the situation financially in China, and Russia? Where are big financial networks to report on the markets in the East? And, when a draft for World War 3 starts, who will go? For what purpose? We ask the questions.
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Wednesday Nov 01, 2023
Stars Rise And Stars Fall
Wednesday Nov 01, 2023
Wednesday Nov 01, 2023
We sit down to discuss the early outcome of those who do not take care of themselves. What causes this void that they experience? How do they cope with such things? Also, why do companies rise to the occasion to give you a quality product and service, only to fall into a system that is unreliable and unaccountable? Does this affect all around morale? And, has Yemen entered the war in the middle east? We ask the questions.
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Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
Tech Tuesday - Space Spas, EV Cost, and Echolocation
Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
On this tech Tuesday we talk the upcoming breakthroughs using technology from animals to help the bind to see. Can this work? How will it work? Also, we take a look at what a 6 hour space flight will cost. What will the spa and lounge experience look like? Would you pay for such a trip? And, what is the true cost of an electric vehicle? Where is the extra money coming from? What happens when the credits come to an end? We ask the questions.
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Monday Oct 30, 2023
Exclusive Roundtable - Stealing Of The Future Generations (Rebroadcast)
Monday Oct 30, 2023
Monday Oct 30, 2023
On this roundtable we discuss the aspects of future generations being stolen in the West. What happens when no education or proper education is administered? Where do we see evidence of the downfall because of this? What causes the up and coming generations to act out? Also, with crime rampant in US cities, what is the official response from the city administrators? How does this affect the communities that they live in? And, what are transgenic edibles? Is it a good thing? We ask the questions.
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Friday Oct 27, 2023
Rebellion In Totalitarianism
Friday Oct 27, 2023
Friday Oct 27, 2023
We discuss the aspects of what it means to rebel in a totalitarian nation. How are these issues handled? What do people do to defy these acts that are portrayed to the outside world? Are they legitimate or staged movements? Also, we talk about how certain agendas are played out in the West as opposed to the East. What actually happens behind the public view in these nations? How is it dealt with in these cultures? And, how dangerous is artificial intelligence in the criminal underworld? We ask the questions.
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Thursday Oct 26, 2023
World War 3 And No Talks Of Peace
Thursday Oct 26, 2023
Thursday Oct 26, 2023
We talk the implications of world war 3 and its beginning stages. What are the events leading up to that? Why are we acting now and asking questions after the fact? What steps have been taken that are being ignored? Escalation begins in the most unlikely places, why? Also, we have a new speaker of the US House of Representatives. Who is this person? What do they stand for? How did they make it into the office? What deals were made? And, more propaganda about Israel and Gaza, from over two years ago. Why? We ask the questions.
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Wednesday Oct 25, 2023
Weaponized Mass Manipulation
Wednesday Oct 25, 2023
Wednesday Oct 25, 2023
We examine the weaponization of mass manipulation. How is this being used in the current time? What agendas are being used to divide rather than unite? What damages do these types of agendas do to people that believe in ideologies? Also, how does this amplify you in your stance as an individual? How can people overcome that last hurdle? What will it take? And, what would another draft in the US look like? We ask the questions.
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Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
Tech Tuesday - 8K, Electric RV’s, and Jet Copters
Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
On this tech Tuesday, we talk the advancement of Wi-Fi 7. Why do we need this? What are the advantages and disadvantages of it? What does this mean for cost? Also, would you buy an electric RV? What purpose does that serve? Is it worth the upgrades? Does it even make sense? And, what does an electric jet copter cost? Will it replace taxi's in the coming days? We ask the questions.
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Monday Oct 23, 2023
Exclusive Roundtable - Vanguard Elite Vs. The People
Monday Oct 23, 2023
Monday Oct 23, 2023
On this exclusive, we examine the role of the upper political classes ruling downward upon the people. What does this signify? Do they know best for you and your family? What gives them the right to behave in such a manner towards you? Also, we take a look around the world at political moves, and elections. Who needs to stay, who needs to go, and who needs to be given a chance? What big changes have been made down under? Will Canada follow suit? And, terrorism and war become the forefront. How will this affect you? We ask the questions.
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Friday Oct 20, 2023
Middle East Crisis - Breaking The Cycle
Friday Oct 20, 2023
Friday Oct 20, 2023
We examine the crisis that is before us in greater detail. What are the steps that were taken that have led us to this point? Are we being told about what has taken place? Why are we constantly forced to choose a side in a conflict? Should the entire concept be rejected? How do we break the cycle? Also, we give possible explanation to the naval activity in the Pacific. What moves are China and her allies making? Why do they need a naval fleet with a range of six thousand nautical miles? And, what does climate justice have to do with immigration and theater? We ask the questions.
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Thursday Oct 19, 2023
The Middle East And The Pacific - Key Strategic Plays
Thursday Oct 19, 2023
Thursday Oct 19, 2023
We discuss the key strategic plays that are being made in the middle east. What is Israel and Palestine about? Why is it a very large strategic component? What does it have to do with larger players? What moves are being made to change the outcome? Also, we talk the economic woes of Russia and China. What are we not being told? Why are we not being told? How does this affect what they do in terms of expansion? And, why do we continue to be duped by adversaries time and again? We ask the questions.
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Wednesday Oct 18, 2023
Advances And Regressions - The Way Forward
Wednesday Oct 18, 2023
Wednesday Oct 18, 2023
We discuss the advances and regressions that have taken place over the last 30 years. Where are we now? What programs are in the works that need to happen in order to make the proper advances in the fields of science? Also, what have we lost in terms of advances? Can we regain them? Do we have the will to do so? And, what does the future of energy look like? We ask the questions.
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Tuesday Oct 17, 2023
Tech Tuesday - Online Censorship, Mis and Dis Information (Rebroadcast)
Tuesday Oct 17, 2023
Tuesday Oct 17, 2023
On this tech Tuesday we discuss online censorship. Is it inclusive and transparent? What are the other implications that we are not told about? How can this be applied on a mass scale to other platforms? Also, we talk the cancelled fight between two tech giants. Are you disappointed? And, we examine misinforming and disinforming. Who can be considered guilty of that, and why? Who decides that? We ask the questions.
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Monday Oct 16, 2023
Exclusive Roundtable - Carbon Neutral Targets
Monday Oct 16, 2023
Monday Oct 16, 2023
On this exclusive roundtable, we talk carbon neutral targets. What are you expected to conform to? Can people afford what is about to happen? What can be done to overcome it? Also, we talk the legislative process. What is the way out? Do you need constitutions that protect you from the over reach of the state? What stop gaps are already in place that were violated by the current "elected" governments in the west? And, what is a carbon passport, and when will you get one? We ask the questions.
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Friday Oct 13, 2023
Behind The Red Curtain - Unholy Alliances
Friday Oct 13, 2023
Friday Oct 13, 2023
We take a look behind the red curtain. What is the driving force behind what we see in Israel and Gaza? What is the whole world made to see, as opposed to what is really going on? How are people mislead and kept off track? What can you do to stay informed? Also, how are special forces affecting what is currently happening? What is their role going forward? What does expansion have to do with this? How is it essential to certain countries survival? And, what is the overture, and the grey terror? We ask the questions.
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Thursday Oct 12, 2023
Israel And Gaza - Or Other Involvement?
Thursday Oct 12, 2023
Thursday Oct 12, 2023
We examine the conflict in the middle east that has erupted. What new key information has come to light that could have facilitated this action in Israel and Gaza? How could the ball have been dropped by intelligence? Was the ball dropped intentionally? Also, we talk the response by the administration to coordinate getting Americans out. What is the plan? Do they seem to be taking the initiatives? How many have been lost so far? Who is calling for a wider conflict? Is it to be expected? And, who are the real bad actors behind the scenes? How can we prove it? We ask the questions.
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Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
Intelligence Failures - Fact Or Fiction
Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
We discuss the aspects of the war that has erupted in the middle east. Is this an intelligence failure? How could this have happened? Is it even possible? What will the results now be? Also, how do the politics of the matter play into this? Why do they believe they can fix a problem that is thousands of years old with modern agreements? Did the releasing of funds end up being the only reason this occurred? And, what are the wider geopolitical implications for the world? How is this tool of propaganda being used to foster narratives on both sides? We ask the questions.
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Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
Tech Tuesday - Asteroids, Supply Chains, and Phone Prices
Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
On this tech Tuesday we talk the new samples that have returned to earth from the asteroid belt. What discoveries could lie on the horizon? Could we unlock the keys to our origin? Also, we talk about Apple and their attempt to go carbon neutral. Who is most concerned about it? What actions will need to be taken in order to achieve this? What could happen as a result? And, we talk the insane prices of the new line up of smartphones. What makes them so expensive considering what you get? We ask the questions.
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Monday Oct 09, 2023
Exclusive Roundtable - Climate Miseducation
Monday Oct 09, 2023
Monday Oct 09, 2023
On this exclusive, we discuss the aspects of climate miseducation. What is being taught in the institutions that is inaccurate? How does this affect younger generations that are coming out of the institutions and taking leading roles in the corporations? Also, what are the long term implications for the agendas and thought processes in the West? Can this be solved? How do we even begin to approach it? And, what is the biggest investment blunder of the last century? We ask the questions.
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Friday Oct 06, 2023
The Domino Effect Of Expansion
Friday Oct 06, 2023
Friday Oct 06, 2023
We discuss the critical aspects from the far east that are not being brought to attention here in the west. What is the reason for this? What strategies are being played here against both sides? How are people caught in this endless cycle of false narratives? Also, what does expansion actually entail? Who is expanding and why? What do countries need to be prepared for that they are not paying attention to? And what are the effects of threatening the world with an EMP attack? What are the implications of such threats? We ask the questions.
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Thursday Oct 05, 2023
Foreign Manufacturing And The Implications
Thursday Oct 05, 2023
Thursday Oct 05, 2023
We examine the consequences of investing in countries that do not share your values. What problems has this caused? What will now happen to these companies who have made these terrible mistakes? Will they survive? How does this affect our national security? Also, we talk the reasoning behind a possible disaster scenario in the US. Did you get your test alert? What could that be used for? Are we looking at a wider implication for communication disruption? And, who will the next Speaker of the House be? We ask the questions.
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Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
What Has Nature Given Us?
Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
We take a look at what nature has given us in the world. What innovations have we had because of what we have discovered that has furthered our own development? Also, how can these things be used in the future? Can we use more that we discover now? And, what is in the way of our development? How can this be circumvented to help us advance into the future? We ask the questions.
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Tuesday Oct 03, 2023
Tech Tuesday - Legos, Meta, and Logitech
Tuesday Oct 03, 2023
Tuesday Oct 03, 2023
On this tech Tuesday we talk about the economic implications for Lego as they conform to ESG standards for agenda 2030. Will the company survive? What changes will need to be made in order to conform to carbon neutral standards? Also, we talk Meta, and their latest piece of tech that allows you to go into the virtual world. What are the main differences? Does all of it come at a price other than money? And, Logitech makes a new product to serve a very select crowd. Will it help you unwind after a long week? We ask the questions.
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Monday Oct 02, 2023
Exclusive Roundtable - Stealing Of The Future Generations
Monday Oct 02, 2023
Monday Oct 02, 2023
On this roundtable we discuss the aspects of future generations being stolen in the West. What happens when no education or proper education is administered? Where do we see evidence of the downfall because of this? What causes the up and coming generations to act out? Also, with crime rampant in US cities, what is the official response from the city administrators? How does this affect the communities that they live in? And, what are transgenic edibles? Is it a good thing? We ask the questions.
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Friday Sep 29, 2023
The Moral Decline Of Our Culture
Friday Sep 29, 2023
Friday Sep 29, 2023
We discuss the moral decline in our respective cultures today in the West. What are the aspects that we are ignoring? What does organized crime cause in our societies? What strategy do illegal drugs play in the matter? Is it a tactic of over all demoralization? Also, we talk about the rampant theft that is on the rise across the trans Atlantic region. What are retailers doing to fight back against this rising epidemic of organized theft? And, would you freeze this winter for extra money? We ask the questions.
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